Cattery of Abyssinian Cats
He came to us a little “out of the blue”, after my first show with Ari. His official name is Loki but I did not want to have this god at home. For this reason, I changed his name to the Tolkien’s ruler of dreams and visions.
I was worried how my cats would accept this new one but they adopted him almost immediatelly. Wolverine took care about him at the beginning but now Lori plays more with Arien (and Wolvi looks after both of them). Sometimes he is a bit mischievous but not too much, he simply tries what is allowed and what not. He is still a kitten, even if he is almost as tall as Ari. If everything goes well, I hope that in a few months, he becomes a good dad of little kittens.
Photos: Daniel Svatoš (except of the first picture that I took at the first day after Lórien’s coming).